Childers 'Palace Backpackers' 10 year memorial service.

It was another solemn occasion to document the 10 year anniversary of the Palace Backpackers fire in Childers.

A number of survivors of the disaster joined family members of the victims as well as foreign diplomats, members of parliament, emergency service personnel, local councillors and townsfolk - many of whom were on the scene that fatal night ten years ago when an arsonist set fire to the historic Palace building which led to the loss of 15 lives.

It was a pleasure to spend time with Mr and Mrs George and Sheila Webb who tragically lost their daughter Claire to the fire. The Webb's travelled from their home near Bognor Regis in the UK to be at the ceremony.

The British High Commissioner Baroness Valerie Amos was on hand to represent her nationals and provided great support to Mr and Mrs Webb as well as others caught up in the tragedy.

A few pictures - 

From Afghanistan to Gayndah.

Sapper Jacob Moerlands funeral in Gayndah was the most emotional and gut wrenching event that I have photographed.

Just prior to the soldiers coffin being carried from the town hall, amidst the stillness and silence a lone black dog trotted the length of the main street stopping to sniff mourners legs, it was quite surreal.

At the same time a group of Vietnam Vets silently walked up the street to fall into position - the only sound to be heard was their medals clanging together.

Today it was announced that another three Australian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan bringing the total to 16.

Sapper Tim Westera also serving on the front line in Afghanistan was in charge of escorting his mates caskets back to Australia. The first pictures are of Tim speaking with Prime Minister Rudd and Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott after the funeral.